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Academy Tournament Roster

This information applies to NTSSA players only. Those who are registered through US Club Soccer DO NOT need to also register as a NTSSA academy player. It's one or the other.
NTSSA Academy Tournament Roster

Academy Tournament Rosters


An Academy Tournament Roster consists of eligible Academy-aged players (U7-U10) participating in a tournament. All players listed on the roster must have a validated Academy form for the current soccer year.


Teams Outside North Texas: Teams must adhere to their State Association’s guidelines for a properly executed Official State Roster.


North Texas State Soccer Association (NTSSA) Teams (U7-U10) should follow these steps to create an Official State Roster:

  • Obtain a current validated Academy Registration form for each player participating in the tournament. If a player does not have a form, please forward the link below to their parents so they can obtain the necessary validation.
  • Complete the NTSSA Academy Team Tournament Roster with all required information. List players alphabetically by last name and ensure each player has a unique jersey number.
  • Submit the completed NTSSA Academy Team Tournament Roster along with copies of ALL validated Academy Player Forms for approval EACH TIME a roster is submitted for a tournament. Forms may be submitted via email to


Note: New coaches must complete a background check before the roster can be validated.


*If playing in OSA academy with NTSSA academy players, this is the roster form you will use*


Blank Academy Tournament Roster